MJH Group provides growth strategy and sales and marketing management programs to help business owners, CEOs and business leaders to drive growth and increase profits.
Our proven approach and expert advice means that we consistently deliver measurable ROI, increase sales and profits and improve business performance.
Proven Track Record - Measurable Results
Millions of $ of Revenue Generated for Clients
Established in 2002 - Over 18 Years in Business
150+ Major Strategic Reviews of Businesses & Brands
20% Typical Improvement in Sales & Marketing Efficiency
Generated Millions of Website Visits & Campaign Views for Clients
Successfully Launched New Businesses, Brands & Products
Thousands of New Customers for Our Clients
Sales growth
Increased profits
Improve business efficency
Cost savings in marketing
Increase sales & marketing ROI
Improve sales team performance
Build robust business
Provide control over growth
Commercial accumen
Sales & Marketing expertise
Hands-on support from experienced consultants
No juniors or mid level staff - just experienced directors
Directors work closely with clients to deliver programs
Industry Experience
We work with privately owned businesses, corporations, national brands, and not-for-profit and charitable organisations.
You can view a list of the clients we've worked with here.
Marcus Hancock is a fully qualified and experienced Marketing Professional with a career and skill set encompassing Business Strategy, Marketing, and Commercialisation.
Gaby Purchase is an experienced Sales Manager and is fully qualified in Marketing. Gaby has held senior Sales and Marketing roles in B2B and B2C environments.
Our expertise has been developed and honed working in both business to consumer and business-to-business environments across every industry vertical. This means that across both business and consumer marketing we understand the market places of our customers and our customer’s customers.
Since starting MJH Group 18 years ago, Gaby and Marcus have worked with a range of clients from all industry sectors providing specialist strategic advice and hands on support to build and grow businesses.